Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Oz: The Great and Powerful

I've got big news to share!

I have a new boyfriend y'all. 

Yup. And I am not ashamed to admit it.....I just want to scream about this new relationship from a mountaintop.

We've been going on all kinds of dinner and lunch dates lately.   He's great: he's reliable, always available, and pretty easy on the eyes.  I mean, every once in a while our waiter suspects that he's into drugs, but I say we shouldn't judge a book by its cover.  

Ready to meet him?

(as if you haven't already guessed....)

Here goes:

Oz.  My new BFF.
Sigh..... I love Oz.  It started with just a simple glass of wine, but our relationship has steadily gotten more serious.  Foods that I used to shy away from simply because of the caloric uncertainty are now decidedly on the table.   Sure, I get some weird looks in restaurants when I start measuring the grams of my sushi rolls, or ounces of chicken breast, cheese, and salad dressing....but honestly, I don't care if my waiters think I am a complete nut job.  It allows me to confidently eat all sorts of things that used to make me nervous before.


My all time favorite date with Oz (so far) took me to a popular Vietnamese restaurant where I was able to determine, once and for all, exactly how many calories are in my favorite bowl of pho.   (An incredibly lean 290 calories were in my pho tai with 1.85 ounces of flank steak and 2.8 ounces of vermicelli noodles in case you were wondering).

Oz is life changing.

And the more I weigh things on this little food scale, the happier I am with my weigh-ins on the people-scale. 

Another 1/2 pound gone!

The one drawback (which I suppose I should have seen coming):  The H is not exactly fond of my new boyfriend.  In fact, I believe his exact words were, "Put that stupid thing look absolutely ridiculous and the bartender is staring."

To that, I say this directly to you, my dear husband: 

No. Way.  Oz stays. Now run and tell that.