Saturday, October 19, 2013

It's Been A Banner Week.

This has truly been an incredible week in so many ways.   My hometown team, the St. Louis Cardinals, is going to the World Series.   Congress got its act together an funded the government and avoided a debt default, the New Orleans Saints pulled out their 6th straight w......oh, wait, the Saints lost....that sucked.    But otherwise, it was an amazing week in the world of this blogger.

I thought it couldn't get any better.   Until.....


Seeing a new "decade" on the scale is so exhilarating.   I am realistic in thinking that I'll most likely see the 140s again another couple times due to natural fluctuations, but I truly hope that once I am solidly in the 130s that I never, ever, ever, ever see the 140s again.

I'm now only 3.6 pounds away from the elusive "normal weight" according to the government.

I definitely am starting to feel thinner.   I think I've lost a lot of fullness from my face, and I know I've lost 2 pants sizes.

I had to get new jeans because the old ones looked comically baggy.   I kept it cheap and scored some on sale at Old Navy because if all goes according to plan, the ones I just purchased will also be too big before long. =)

This week, I am going to honor the fall season with a bonfire. During which, I will burn my size 14 and size 12 pants and shorts and vow to never again need to purchase those sizes again.

Truly, a great a week.