Yeah, screw that noise. Life was all sunshine and rainbows back then. Things are different now.
In case you missed it, today's Weekly Progress Report was a complete and utter failure with a weekly net gain of 0.2 pounds.
I know that might seem like a trivial gain, but when you're supposed to be actively losing weight and not simply maintaining weight, a weekly gain however small is a big problem. I even got down to a low of 148.2 by this is almost a full pound of backtracking.
I can handle an upward fluctuation following a naughty day, but I have been steadfast in my adherence to the plan. I even went to the WOP store to get more gear (twice!) because I have been working out almost every single day for at least an hour.
Plus, what the fuck, scale? This was supposed to be my big week. On the blogiversary I got all vulnerable and all "oh, can I actually do this?" with the big doe eyes......what's supposed to happen next is a groundbreakingly awesome weigh-in in which I prove to the world (and, thereby, to myself) that YES I CAN.
THAT'S THE MOTHERF*****G TROPE! You're officially off-script, scale. Instead of the heartwarmingly inspirational moment that we've all been waiting for, we get this epic fail.
To anthropomorphize this experience, my blog is the dude on the tire swing. |
I get that the scales of justice are supposed to be blind......but Lady Justice wept today.