Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Oy-Oy Plan

So yesterday, I weighed in at 157.8 pounds and I was absolutely thrilled.  I couldn't wait to blog about it from the office, but apparently my bosses actually do expect me to work while I am there, so my grand plans of blogging had to be postponed until this morning.

I woke up nervous about this morning's weigh in.  After all, this is the first weekly weigh-in and as I learned the last time around, unexplained, upward fluctuations can--and do--happen.   And while they might just be flukes, they still wield incredible psychological power and can be very discouraging.  I coached myself through today's weigh in: "Even if it goes back up, that doesn't mean that this hasn't been a successful week."

I took a deep breath (and then I let it out; air has mass, after all).  I stepped on the scale. It was the moment of truth.

I was not prepared for what I saw:

Week 1:  5.2 pounds lost

This diet is out of control!!   While I am very encouraged to see progress each day, I am getting a little concerned about the pace at which I am losing this weight.

Having gone from 123 to 161.8 in just over a year, I am incredibly cognizant of falling into the "Yo-Yo Trap."  (For those unfamiliar with the term Yo-Yo dieting, just think of Oprah).  

I am also aware that weight loss at this pace is simply unsustainable, and I am fairly certain that there are a crap load of studies showing that the faster the weight comes off, the more likely that it will not stay off.

So with that I mind, I decided that I've got to craft a plan to keep this weight loss journey from becoming just one "Walk the Dog" in a lifetime of Yo-Yo dieting.

"Walk the Dog is only the world's most famous Yo-Yo trick, bro."
 Accordingly, allow me to introduce what I now officially dub the opposite of Yo-Yo Dieting:

The Multifaceted Oy-Oy Plan. 

Facet 1: Short-Term Enjoyability

  • If I have any hope in hell of making this a "lifestyle change" it's got to be enjoyable.  With that in mind, I decided that I am not going to completely cut alcohol and going out to eat.  Cutting those things would simply not be sustainable.  Living without wine and waiters....well, I am pretty sure there are entire civilizations that have died from that.    That is why I have been allowing myself 1-2 glasses of wine each night.  It's also why I forced myself to go out to eat for dinner the other day.  I wanted to decline and stay home with my "safe" foods,   but it seems like that's just asking to Yo-Yo right back to where I am once the whole "staying in" thing gets old. 
Facet 2:  Longer-Term Goals
  • In my first post, I set a goal for myself: get to 130 pounds by Christmas.   I still want to strive for this goal because I think it's ambitious enough that it will be a meaningful weight loss, but it's close enough that doesn't seem out of reach.   However, if I want to avoid being back to where I am by Easter, I need a plan for beyond Christmas.  
  • First,  I'd like to be 120 pounds by Easter.   I am choosing that number and date for a couple reasons.  Easter is March 31, 2013.  Which, essentially, gives me 3 months to lose 10 pounds between Christmas and then.  I am purposely choosing a much slower weight loss pace for this stage of the journey because I want to allow myself plenty of wiggle room to enjoy Mardi Gras and the peak of football season.  I also think it would be good to transition from aggressive weight loss into "maintenance." 
  • Second, I'd like to remain between 115 and 120 pounds indefinitely.  I am not sure how maintenance works, but I am sure I'll figure it out.  That's a long ways away though. For now, I will begin to brainstorm some sort of awesome treat that I can give myself if I maintain the weight for a given period of time.  I am thinking "trip to Europe" right now, but I am open to suggestions.
Here's hoping for continued success at a sustainable rate! Oy oy! 

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