Thursday, August 8, 2013

Carrots and Sticks

So basically everyone is aware of the old adage of the carrot and the stick, but just in case anyone is unfamiliar, per Lord Wikipedia:

"The Carrot and Stick Approach is an idiom that refers to a policy of offering a combination of rewards and punishment to induce behavior. It is named in reference to a cart driver dangling a carrot in front of a mule and holding a stick behind it. The mule would move towards the carrot because it wants the reward of food, while also moving away from the stick behind it, since it does not want the punishment of pain, thus drawing the cart forward"

As far as this weight loss blog is concerned, I'm the mule. 

My Mom has already tried to entice me with a promise of a trip to NYC if I reach 126 "in as long as it takes."  That's the Big Carrot.

I've promised myself a present every time I lose 5 pounds.  That's some more carrots.

But to my delight, other readers have come forward offering carrots of their own.

For instance, I'm attending the wedding of one reader from Boston (Side bar: This blog's being read in Boston! Next stop, a stint on The View or Good Morning America!) on September 28.   Just today, the Bride contacted me and offered a carrot:  get to 145 by the wedding and I'll get a double quantity of chocolate covered treats in my hotel welcome baggy.  

Not too shabby! I love the offer, even though I know it's a pretty tall order....a little over 10 pounds in a little over 7 weeks?  I'm not sure it can be done--particularly if every week is as craptastic as Week 2 was--but I really like the idea of trying.   And I love the idea of reader-submitted carrots!

But carrots alone will not move pounds off the scale.

Like the mule, I'm too stubborn and too set in my ways to change my lifestyle just for treats. 

Enter the stick.

I don't really like to think of the sticks as "bad things" or "painful things" per se....really the sticks are still there to help me succeed.   Sticks are just little jabs or reminders to keep going...even when it sucks.

The "Big Stick" is this blog itself.....with failure comes shame. Public shame.  No one likes shame, so there's that.

And a classic stick would be something like telling myself to "Lose 2 pounds this week or you have to do the stupid Shred with Jillian Michaels."

But I've had other sticks come in some form or another from readers and other people in my life.

For example, I have a friend who I shall call Madame who scoffed at my likelihood of reaching the Big Carrot and said I'll blow right back up after reaching 126.    Stick.

And I've actually had readers privately messaging me suggesting that I change one thing or another about my diet or exercise routine (and I actually do try to implement the suggestions if they seem reasonable).   Sticks!

I love the idea of this blog becoming an interactive carrot/stick experience. With carrots and sticks I will succeed.

So I pose this request to you, my faithful readers.  Toss me a carrot (or a stick)!  All carrots and sticks will be considered even if they border on the absurd.   The only stipulation is that I am free to: 1) ignore them, 2) write about them, and 3) only vaguely change your name when I say whose carrot or stick it was.

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